Thank you for choosing my books and cartoons among all!
I hope, there were helpful!
Parenting is not just about kids, but about The Parent first of all. Mentally & physically healthy kids start from Consciuos Parents. I know that nobody ever taught us to be the one. And modern life is so busy & full of stress, so we are the first connection in between this world and our kids. Not to let this stress effect them – Parent has to stay calm & peaceful. Because to bring Joy – you have to be Joyful by yourself at first!
I’ve went it all through by myself, I overcome it and that’s how my handy tips were born) Simple and easy to understand – they will help you to change yourselfe, to make your life easier, to make your kids happier.
Our kids – are our future, and it starts from US.
7 STEPS SELF-UPGRADE JOURNEY for Joyful Parenting – FREE for You
By Anait, from Mama with love)